Sunday 7 May 2017

Creative Report: Lara Lee

The work of the Royal College of Art graduate Lara Lee concerns the human condition, visualising audio into playful imagery in her animations is what makes me want to know her creative practice as an animator and illustrator and also her lifestyle as a freelance artist through an email interview. I have prepared a list of question for her if she were to reply my email, which I unfortunately did not manage to get before the PPP deadline. I blamed myself for this because I procrastinated until less than a week before the PPP hand in to send out the email.

Some of the questions are:
  • How do you promote yourself as a free-lance artist who has a specific subject of interest?
  • What are the considerations when deciding to work on free-lance projects?
  • Is there any financial advice from your experience starting as a free-lance artist?
  • I like how you use wide variety of animation techniques in your portfolio. What are the main considerations when choosing the animation medium for each projects?
  • In relation to professional practice as a free-lance artist what advice you wish you had known when you are still in the university?

Her work that fascinates me the most is a commissioned animation for Harvard X Neuroscience on Vimeo titled Part 7/8 of Poetry of Perception. However, as I tried to find the link for this blog, I found out that all the videos for this series has been deleted by the channel. 

A screenshot from Part 7/8 of Poetry of Perception

Here is another example of work by Lara Lee back in 2011:
It is an form experimental animation that plays around with flat shapes and colours as according to an audio recording of 4 children describing what they favourite animal looks like. By drawing what they say, Lara Lee investigates how descriptions can make the mind visualise totally different images from the real psyche of the real animals they are describing.

I have got a handful of contemporary animators' names in hand such as Bendik Kaltenborn, Alicja Jasina, Alex Grigg and Ross Hogg who are prolific artists. However, I do not see any point on going further to ask questions to all these other professional creatives in less than a week before deadline for the I cannot see any prospects of them getting back to me. 

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