Sunday 8 May 2016

Animation Exercise

Ross Hog, creator of Scribble Dub, made a thing called 'Animated Sketchbook' where he created a simple looping animation weekly and post it on his Vimeo channel. The animation is made based on what he observed or imagined during a day. I want to do this weekly over the Summer Break so that I can easily animate from my imagination more because most of the time I relied on online footage or self-recorded footage to refer to when animating the desired movements. Recalling sequence of motion and translate it to an animation has always been my weakness, and I want to work on this weakness as I hate relying on references because the animation that I produce seems to be restricted to the reference that I use. I think through observing and using my imagination to make an animation would incorporate a more personal tone of voice to my animation.

Animated Sketchbook - page 23 from Ross Hogg on Vimeo.

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