Tuesday 10 May 2016

PPP1 Evaluation

In this module, I learn to develop my personal skills such as reflecting, researching for the things that interest me, and doing oral presentations. I enjoyed this module because it engages me with the up to date information about the animation industry, and helps me arrived to an informed decision of what I wanted to focus on in the future. I found that I am keen to do animation that is experimental in nature, and does not have a definite outcome, and that I am interested in the art of communicating messages to the audience. Although I enjoyed slapstick animations, I don't think it is right for people to just narrow down animation as slapstick entertainment.

I was not a reflective person, and I just go with the flow without thinking of the things that I have done. In fact, I am always on the run, keeping myself occupied even though I am not doing college work. The PPP module helps me to make time to reflect on things that I have done. Through my research, I also learnt that artists often keep journals and derive project ideas from the thoughts that they have written in their journals. This evidenced that a good artists generate ideas from their thoughts on big and small issues that happen in their day to day life.

A major mistake that I made while doing this brief is underestimating it. I always think that I have a year to finish this brief, and as usual, I procrastinated. As a result, I am still typing out this evaluation at home 30 minutes before the deadline. I would like to address this problem next year, and force myself to be more disciplined so that I can produce a work that I am proud of, instead of making a rushed product that does not satisfies myself in the end.

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