Tuesday 10 May 2016

Manchester Animation Festival

We went to Manchester Animation Festival (MAF) last November, where we attended some master classes and watched the some animations that is nominated to be given an award. Coming to MAF is an eye-opening experience for me because, initially, my knowledge of animation is limited to mainstream animated films and the videos of animated films uploaded by CGBros, but now I am aware of the independent animation which shows that an animation artist can do so much more rather than working on 3D CGI animated films. This gave me a relief since I am not a tech savvy person, and solely working on 3D seems overwhelming. Also, I figured that I would like to make animations which focuses on the building up of suspense more than the character because I am impressed with an animation titled 'Teeth', one of the short film entries that made into the festival. Without exposing the face character, this animation effectively builds up the horrific suspense throughout the film. 

Some other animations that I liked from the festival (which I'd like to go through but I don't have time to do it):
  • Guida
  • We Can't Live Without Cosmos
  • Klementhro (Skwigly)
  • The Moustache

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