Sunday 8 May 2016

Jean Jullien

Jean Jullien is an illustrator based in London who drew funny characters that communicates his opinion on small and big issues in the current society.  I still enjoy browsing through art accounts on Instagram that showcase elaborate and polished work, but I could appreciate his work better because of their simplicity. Jullien's work inspires me to keep my work simple yet meaningful for the target audience. I used to think that details contributes to the audience's appreciation towards artwork, and I tend to neatly draw elaborate pattern so that my artwork looks 'completed'. (which seems frivolous after I think about it again)

I found this excerpt of Jullien's sketchbook on his portfolio blog that contains his daily illustrated journal. This is pretty similar to Ross Hog's animated sketchbooks in which both artists took down notes of what they did or what do they think of in a day. From what I observed based on these artists'sketchbook, making a daily journal makes the things that happens in a day count, and might possibly be an inspiration for future projects. I've been diligently filling up some observational sketchbooks this year, but maybe I should record down my personal life and thoughts more because it might be interesting to look at in the future.

Jean Jullien has proven that an illustrator can also be an animator by collaborating with his brother to make some animated shorts on Vimeo. The storytelling element in illusration and animation is closely related,and there are some illustrators making their own animation. This combined with the fact that animating took a long time to finish often give me the dilemma to change course to Illustration. I could safely say that I have resolved this problem now as I could extend my talent in illustrating to make animation that stands out because of its unique aesthetic quality. 

the phone from Jullien Brothers on Vimeo.

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